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  • What is Jaysea Arts?
    Jaysea Arts is an online shop that specializes in selling art in a variety of forms. We believe in art as therapy (both creating and enjoying) and a way to enhance and bring joy to life.
  • What does "Jaysea" stand for?
    The founder of Jaysea Arts is an unrepentant bookworm and fell in love with the trend of combining the names of the main characters with their love interest (or potential lover interest). Jaysea was created by combining the first letter of her husband's name (written out) and the last half of her name.
  • Does Jaysea Arts sell handmade arts and crafts?
    Absolutely! We have some amazing crafters, creators, and artists who we work with to be able to share a growing variety of inspiring and uplifting creations and artwork. Information about the creators/artists is shared in the details of each item, so that if you fall in love with their work, you can go to their personal selling page to find even more!
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